Increasing KYB Coverage, Is your SSO on point, & The Future of Identity Management – Vibhuti Sinha, Tarvinder Sembhi, Chris Simmons – ESW #365

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Vibhuti Sinha
Chief Product Officer at Saviynt

As Chief Product Officer – Workforce Identity and Intelligence, Vibhuti is responsible for the vision, innovation and strategic direction of Saviynt’s product lines and product strategy, as well as, product and partner success. Prior to the CPO role, Vibhuti Sinha led the Cloud Products and Solutions at Saviynt as its Chief Cloud Officer. He was responsible for the strategy, architecture, and development of next-generation solutions including securing various cloud providers and platforms.He has nearly two decades of experience defining security architecture, IAM strategy, and implementing large scale security platforms for Fortune 500 organizations. Prior to Saviynt, he held various leadership positions and partnered with large financial institutions in addressing compliance and security needs including FFIEC, risk-based authentication, and access life-cycle management.

Tarvinder Sembhi
Vice President, Identity Solutions at IDI

Tarvinder Sembhi has over 20 years in the identity space. He has had executive roles in driving innovative technologies throughout his career. His roles included developing strategic roadmap for the company that invented iris recognition, driving adoption for one of the first multi-biometric companies, and introducing digital identity technologies such as the mobile driver’s license.

In his current role at IDI, Tarvinder has leveraged IDI’s AI/ML driven identity graph to develop powerful identity verification both consumer and business identity data solutions.

Chris Simmons
VP of Strategy at Savvy

Chris Simmons is a cybersecurity industry veteran with deep expertise and decades of experience leading strategies for emerging technology companies. He is currently the VP of Strategy at Savvy Security where he is responsible for promoting a culture of proactive, identity-first security.

Simmons empowers organizations and individuals with the knowledge and tools to better secure their digital environments while enabling the business. With a focus on innovative technologies in network, end point, cloud, and identity security, Simmons has led with forward-thinking strategies which have been instrumental in promoting security tactics that enhance resilience across organizations including, Splunk, Phantom Cyber, IBM Security, Cisco, Sourcefire, Fortinet, Aqua Security and others.


Senior Vice President, Audience Content Strategy at CyberRisk Alliance
Custom Content Strategist at CyberRisk Alliance