Dustin Sachs

Dustin Sachs

Dr. Dustin Sachs is the Chief Technologist and Sr. Director of Programs at CyberRisk Alliance.  He is a highly accomplished cybersecurity professional with a proven track record in risk management, compliance, incident response, and threat mitigation.  He is CISSP-certified and holds a Doctor of Computer Science (DCS) degree in Cybersecurity and Information Assurance.  Dr. Sachs has worked in various industries, including public utilities, food distribution, and oil and gas.  He is a respected thought leader in the cybersecurity community.

Innovation is key to staying ahead in cybersecurity, but sometimes chasing the ‘next big thing’ doesn’t lead you to the right destination. While it can seem essential to adopt the latest and greatest in security tech, it may be more practical to focus on tried-and-true tools and methods for ensuring resilience instead. But that a...
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