Adrian Sanabria

Adrian Sanabria

The Defenders Initiative
Principal Researcher

Adrian is an outspoken researcher that doesn’t shy away from uncomfortable truths. He loves to write about the security industry, tell stories, and still sees the glass as half full.

There is often no better teacher than failure. Instead of waiting to learn from your own failures, why not learn from others? Find out what third party breaches can teach us about third party risk and vendor due diligence! This webcast with Bill Brenner and Enterprise Security Weekly host Adrian Sanabria will walk through: Improving the vendor...
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As cyber threats continue to evolve, security teams are constantly challenged with the task of fortifying their organization’s defenses against a myriad of potential vulnerabilities. In this SC Panelcast, Tia Hopkins, Chief Cyber Resilience Officer & Field CTO at eSentire, and Nathan Wenzler, Chief Security Strategist at Tenable, will de...
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In this webcast, we unravel the insights and implications behind the latest global AI security guidelines, distilling complex recommendations into four key takeaways that every cybersecurity professional should know. As nations grapple with the rapid adoption of artificial intelligence, regulatory bodies worldwide have collaboratively devised comp...
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Most conversations around Identity Resilience focus on the prevention of attacks. But as statistics increasingly show that a major breach is a matter of “when”, not “if”, CISOs are realizing that their Identity Resilience strategy is missing a critical piece: response. In this conversation, we’ll explore Identity Resilience from the lens of B...
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As organizations navigate the dynamic landscape of governance, risk, and compliance (GRC), join our webcast to explore the critical priorities that will shape the second half of 2024. In an environment marked by evolving regulations, heightened cyber threats, and a rapidly changing business landscape, staying ahead of GRC challenges is paramount. ...
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Siloed identity tools and legacy complexity are the enemies of a modern identity program. There is a growing interest in tool convergence – specifically IGA and PAM convergence. The promise of simplicity, efficiency, improved security, and enhanced governance is appealing and can help protect identities from deepfakes and other AI-based threats. B...
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As cyber threats continue to evolve, security teams are constantly challenged with the task of fortifying their defenses against a myriad of potential vulnerabilities. In this SC Panelcast, Tia Hopkins, Chief Cyber Resilience Officer and Field CTO at eSentire, and Nathan Wenzler, Chief Security Strategist at Tenable, will delve into the pivotal ro...
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After eight years of submission review, testing, and evaluation, NIST has formally announced the PQC standard specifications, setting in motion the largest cryptographic transition in the history of computing – replacing legacy encryption with PQCs. The multiyear crypto migration is certain to usher in new challenges, uncertainties, and risks. Thi...
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Is Your Browser the Weakest Link in Your Security Chain? Zero Trust has been the gold standard in cybersecurity for over a decade, but most organizations are still struggling to implement it where it matters most: the browser. As more applications move to the web, hackers are exploiting this gap with increasingly sophisticated tactics, leaving tra...
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Like many large organizations, IBM found itself trying to manage a fragmented and inefficient Identity and Access Management (IAM) landscape, riddled with legacy systems that hindered scalability, compliance, and operational efficiency. The company managed to turn things around with help from Saviynt.This webcast will explore how IBM successfully ...
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Where do myths come from? Why are they so hard to kill? Why do people continue to use them, even after they’ve been exposed? Why is it so important to call them out? The first episode in this new mythbusting webcast series called, Fact or Fiction, we explore the very nature of myths, why they exist, and what we should do about them. We...
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What a copout this is! Basically, it sounds like someone throwing up their hands and saying, “people will be people, so we’ve got to prevent them from making mistakes!” The “solution” in the past has been security awareness and phishing training, which are increasingly proven to be ineffective, or even harmful. Instea...
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As cyber threats continue to evolve, maintaining robust network security is paramount for protecting organizational assets and data. Join us for an insightful hot topics webcast where industry experts will present a comprehensive forecast of network security trends and offer strategic guidance for late 2024 and early 2025. This session will delve ...
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